(Frankie) #1

It can also offer information on: reservations in different hotels for accommodation,
presentation guidelines, workshops, data on the scientific and organizing committee,
sponsors, social programme, tourist information, transport, weather forecast, etc.

For certain categories of participants with special requests, e-mail, telephone or fax can
be used; these requests may be technical requirements for the communications, special
diet (vegetarian, etc.), transport facilities for the disabled, support for a tour before / after
the event, accommodation of companions of the participants, etc.

We would like to exemplify by certain websites used in organizing recent international


Target categories who must be let know of the congress, conference, seminar, etc. are:

  • the community of school counsellors, employment counsellors, university

  • presidents and members of professional associations in counselling and
    related fields (associations of psychologists, pedagogues, school counsellors,

  • university staff with interests in the field;

  • persons with official and professional responsibilities in the field of career
    counselling in training institutes and ministries, etc.

Lists with members of certain associations, institutions, organizations in the field can be
very useful in order to identify a large number of persons who might be interested in the
respective event as possible.

Special guests, speakers in plenary sessions or moderators of panels are provided with
free transportation, accommodation and meals, when possible. Whatever the case, the
guests must be explicitly told of the conditions in which they are invited to participate.

Officials of the host country / institution (ministers, state secretaries, directors, inspectors,
governors, mayors etc.), must also be invited in good time.

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