(Frankie) #1

In certain cases and for certain categories of people official letters will be sent by mail in
order to announce the events in schools, universities, ministries, professional counsellors’
associations, teachers’ associations, etc.


Drawing up a registration form , printed (either on the leaflet of the event or separately)
or in electronic format will systematize and considerably aid the organizers’ work. The
form will provide information regarding the topic of the event and the location,
workshops, registration and submission deadlines, presentation guidelines, participation
costs (registration fee, costs of the social programme, accommodation), including
discounts for prior registration, special fees for students or on a limited duration (e.g. one
day), etc.

The same registration form can be used for hotel reservations (single, double, apartment
and with breakfast or without). It will thus be possible for the participants to choose,
according to their personal demands, from the offers made by several hotels (different in
prices, comfort, etc.). Everything relative to accommodation should be entrusted to a
travel agency or the participants should make reservations themselves after having been
given all the necessary information related to the recommended hotels. In both cases,
organizers will have to check the reservations made with hotels and solve concrete
situations with receptionists.

The arrangements for accommodation (reservations, pre-payment, additional services
such as transportation from the airport, etc.), must be made well in advance in order to
avoid troubles in participation due to lack of convenient accommodation (tariffs, comfort,
distance, facilities).

Many hotels or chains have their own websites with online reservation; these facilities
must be verified by organizers and transmitted to prospective participants.

Call for papers

The same registration form is used to submit a presentation, mentioning the title and
special equipment necessary.

The language, duration and guidelines must be clearly specified and in detail. As a rule, a
Microsoft Word document is required with the title, the author’s name and professional /
scientific title, the affiliated institution, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, a 6-10 line
abstract followed by 5-10 pages, including the bibliography, in Times New Roman, font
size 12, 1.5 spacing between lines, A4 page format, 2.5 cm page margins.

Papers may be presented under various forms in round tables, demonstrative sessions,
reading / oral presentation in a workshop, panel, simulations of professional situations
and critical incidents etc.

Free download pdf