(Frankie) #1

Starting here, scales are derived for 207 occupations (of which, 202 are scales gender
non-specific, 4 scales for female subjects, and a scale for male subjects).

About a third of the occupational profiles involve intermediary levels of education.

There are two special scales, as well as 26 administrative indexes.

The sections of the inventory are:

  • occupations;

  • school subjects;

  • activities;

  • leisure activities;

  • types of persons;

  • preference between activities;

  • individual characteristics.

Performance is expressed as a standard score.

Total administration time: 25-35 minutes.

Applying the inventory to a group of individuals irrespective of gender, with various
occupations, variable levels of education and training, practicing a profession since at
least three years, successful and satisfied with their work, compile the standards and with
the tasks they are expected to carry out.

The format of the inventory is paper-pencil or electronic.

The computerized version of the inventory contains the SII, instructions for (self)
administration, soft for internal scoring, and result interpretation.

Comparative studies regarding the equal value of the results obtained by employing the
paper-pencil format and the electronic one; the computerized version has been proved to
yield more reliable occupational profiles (both by test-retest, and comparison against the
Holland codes). In addition, the computerized version is faster to administrate (an average
of 22 minutes), compared to the paper-pencil (in average 31 minutes). A statistical
comparison (the median and the standard deviation) of the two formats exhibits a
negligible difference.

Target population

Strong inventory of interests is addressed to high school and college students, as well as
to adults (including those who wish to plan for retirement).

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