(Frankie) #1

Of the 34 scales of Basic Interests, 8 refer to the preference of work style, and 26 are
focused on the interests in work -specific roles.

The scales referring to the work style target “the preference for working in a certain
environment or in a situation where a certain behaviour type is the norm ” (Jackson,
1977); for instance, Dominant leader, Independence, Work safety.

The scales associated to work-specific roles refer to the preference for activities
associated to various occupation groups (e.g. Creative Arts, Performing Arts,
Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Life Science, Social Sciences. Each scale is relatively
independent from the rest).

Below is the author’s description of the 34 Basic Interests Scales:

Scale Description
Creative Arts Interest in arranging materials in a manner pleasing to the eye; pleasure
in being creative and original in the field of arts and applied arts (e.g.
music, drawing or decorating).
Performing Arts Pleasure to perform in front of an audience.
Mathematics Pleasure of operating with mathematical formula and quantitative
concepts; interest in calculus and in planning and applying
mathematical methods to problem solving.
Physical Sciences Interest in systematically investigating the various aspects of the non-
living universe (e.g. chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy).
Engineering Interest in designing, testing or producing a large variety of products
and applying scientific principles to solving practical problems.
Life Science Interest in investigating the various aspects of the living organisms.
Social Science Interest in investigating and learning the various aspects of society,
human behaviour and social interaction.
Adventure Joy of experiencing novel situations, seeking the unknown or danger.
Nature – Agriculture The pleasure to work outdoors or with animals and plants.
Skilled Trades Preference for manual work and machines, usually building or repairing
Personal Service Pleasure of rendering services to people (e.g. tourist guide or
Family Activity Taking pleasure in household activities, such as active involvement in
family life and raising children, decorating and taking care of the house
and garden, or related activities.
Medical Service Interest in promoting health and caring for the sick.
Dominant Leadership Preference for forceful leadership. Taking pleasure in being in charge,
supervising and criticising the work of others.
Job Security Preference for well-defined and predictable work. Avoiding social and
economic risks.
Stamina Wish to work on a certain task without interruption until completion.
Perseverance, commitment and obstinacy in the face of difficulty.
Self-assumed involvement in the task.

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