(Frankie) #1

Accountability Preference to work in an environment that requires a high level of
integrity and traditional virtues.
Teaching Interest in teaching school subject matters.
Social Service Interests in helping people face their problems.
Elementary Education Taking pleasure in teaching and nurturing children.
Finance Interest in satisfying the financial needs of the public, solving their
investment and economic issues.
Business Interest in the day-to-day functioning of business and commerce
Office Work Interest in office work and activities which require attention to detail,
usually in the context of business.
Sales Interest in sales, influencing, persuading people and working with them.
Supervising Interest in planning, organizing and coordinating the activity of others.
Taking pleasure in exercising responsibility.
Human Relations

Taking pleasure in acting as a mediator in a conflict, solving
interpersonal situations, including the difficult and the emotional ones.
Law Interest in law.
Professional Advising Joy of counselling and giving specialized advice.
Author – Journalism Taking pleasure in creative and original writing, writing for a large

Interest in the field of academic acquisitions, particularly oral.
Systematic study skills are required.
Technical Writing Pleasure of writing in detail factual reports, textbooks, scientific, legal,
historical or technical essays.
Independence Preference for an environment lacking restrictions and strict
supervision. Need of being free from rules; desire to find solutions to
problems on one’s own, instead of seeking help from others.
Planfulness Preference for certain work routine and an environment where the
activities must be fulfilled in foreseeable sequences.

Preference for a work environment requiring a high level of self-
confidence in interacting with others. This involves no fear of strangers
and speaking with conviction about various topics. Confidence in the
own ability to fulfil most of the interpersonal tasks that one is engaged

The 34 Basic Interest Scales can be further grouped into 11 – separated in the table above
by thicken lines – depending on certain similar characteristics.

The 10 General Occupational Themes are patterns of interest reflecting the dominant
guidance rather than the preferences for activities in a certain field (e.g. Expressive,
Logical, Practical, Assertive, etc.). The scores obtained in the 10 General Occupational
Themes are expressed in percentages compared to the reference lots, per gender.

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