(Frankie) #1

  • the middle level includes the domains of problem solving and decision-
    making oriented information processing: in five steps – the CASVE cycle –
    leading to the right career choice:
     Communication (Understanding the need to make a choice. People
    become aware of the existence of problems regarding the data /
    information they hold and they might need in order to exchange their
    situation for a desired one. The external environment may be
    favourable or unfavourable. Possible reactions: nervousness,
    frustration, discouragement or pro-activeness oriented towards
    questioning others, self-information, contacting specialized
    institutions, learning and practicing communication).
     Analysis (Understanding one’s self and the available options. People
    analyse the general frame and the components of the problem that
    needs solving and draw up a mental action plan. This stage requires
    a deep understanding of self (values, aptitudes, interests),
    interpreting the data of the personal problem, self-observation,
    gathering new information, reflection and understanding the
    relationship between self and the chosen occupations).
     Synthesis (Extending and limiting the list of targeted occupations.
    The purpose of this process is to elaborate realistic alternative
    solutions (by divergent thinking), on the basis of the information
    held. Of the many apparently acceptable temporary solutions, those
    farthest removed from one’s personal interests, values and aptitudes
    are gradually eliminated, so that in the end a shortlist of occupations
    assessed as most acceptable (three to five plausible options) should
    be made up by means of convergent thinking. The final choice will
    contain a compromise between the maximum level of advantages
    and the minimum level of disadvantages, since any choice implicitly
    involves some renunciation).
     Value (Choosing education, training and specialization, occupation
    or job. In this stage there is a hierarchy of alternatives with respect to
    the ratio cost / benefit – for self and others: family, colleagues, social
    and cultural group – abut also as regards fulfilling an ideal or
    personal development model. Of the many alternatives considered
    the most convenient is selected, possibly the second or third on the
    list if the first is unattainable; there is a strong positive emotional
    component sustaining this process of implementing the option).
     Execution (Implementing the personal choice. In this stage career
    development thoughts are converted into action on the basis of a
    plan that takes into account the necessary steps to be taken and the
    means and strategies that should be applied for its realization. The
    plan must also include preparatory programmes of additional

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