(Frankie) #1

  1. Strongly Disagree (SD)

  2. Disagree (D)

  3. Agree (A)

  4. Strongly Agree (SA)

Below, examples of items included in CTI:

No. of

Examples of items Evaluation

1 ... No field of study or occupation interests me SD D A SA
4 ... I’ll never understand myself well enough to make a good career


10 ... There are few jobs that have real meaning for me SD D A SA
17 ... My interests are always changing SD D A SA
30 ... I can narrow down my occupational choices to a few, but I
don’t seem to be able to pick just one


39 ... Finding a good job in my field is just a matter of luck SD D A SA
42 ... I know very little about the world of work SD D A SA

The duration is 7-15 minutes (according to the work style and temperament of the client);
less than 5 minutes or more than 30 minutes should draw the counsellor’s attention on
certain problems (lack of motivation, difficulty in reading and comprehending the text, a
state of crisis, etc.).

Clients’ answers to questions (written on carbon paper) are imprinted on the sheets
underneath. Then the pages with the working text are removed and the answers counted
(by the counsellor, client or an operator).

The leaflet with the CTI contains instructions on how to sum up the answers and the
scales for compiling an individual profile.

If 5 or more items remain unanswered, the result is invalid.

Summing up the answers is done on each of the two pages (25+23 items); the total sum is
noted down on the second page.

No answer is equal to 0 (like SD – strongly disagree).

Answers marked with D (disagree), A (agree), SA (strongly agree) – and marked with 1,
2, or 3 points – are summed up as such and the results are written in the lower case of the
column (Sum D, Sum A, Sum SA). They make Total 1.

The same procedure on the next page yields to: Sum D, Sum A, Sum SA and Total 2.

CTI Total is obtained in a separate case by summing up Total 1 and Total 2.

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