(Frankie) #1

CTI Handbook is an operational instrument meant to support the interpretation of the
scores obtained in the inventory and to facilitate the realization of cognitive restructuring,
action plan and learning necessary for career-related problem-solving and
decision-making. The handbook comprises seven components: introduction, five sections
containing information and/or exercises, and conclusions.

For our purpose, the five sections worth describing.

Section 1. Identifying your total amount of negative career thoughts: CTI total score.
Clients will have to understand that the higher the value, the more they are in need of

Section 2. Identifying the nature of your negative career thoughts: CTI scale scores.
Subjects of the inventory, by comparing the results to various scales, may become aware
of the nature of negative career-related thoughts and monitor their dynamics. Clients are
thus helped to develop through learning their capacity of self-control over their
dysfunctional career-related thoughts. The process of learning may be facilitated through
mental knowledge and reaction structures, by reducing the number of variables involved
in decision-making.

Section 3. Challenging and altering your negative career thoughts and taking action.
On reanalysing the answers to the items marked with SA and A (strongly agree and
agree), clients are helped to become aware of the impact of their negative thoughts on
career-related problem-solving and decision-making, then supported to initiate an
individual action plan and cognitive restructuring, encouraged to develop exploratory
behaviours regarding the obtaining and the management of information, and stimulated to
get emotionally involved in their occupational motives and interests.

Section 4. Improving your ability to make good decisions. Clients are supported to
develop current and potential decision-making abilities; they will learn more quickly in
case they improve, become more adaptable and personally profitable, differentiating
between knowing (based on the information processing pyramid) and doing (having the
CASVE cycle in mind).

Section 5. Making good use of support from other people. Clients are supported to
understand the way of getting help from other sources: counsellors, family, friends, etc.,
in order to be able to operate certain cognitive restructuring, explore the career domain or
make choices; this way, users may become more active and use information more

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