Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

sounding of the ram's horn while marching around the walls
of the city of Jericho is not nonsensical in the eyes of the
occultist. In some cases similar things have happened
without the world smiling in supercilious incredulity. A few
years ago, a band of musicians were practicing in a garden
close to the very solid wall of an old castle. There occurred
at a certain place in the music a prolonged and very piercing
tone. When this note was sounded the wall of the castle
suddenly fell. The musicians had struck the keynote of the
wall and it was sufficiently prolonged to shatter it.
When it is said that this is the world of tone, it must not
be thought that there are no colors. Many people know that
there is an intimate connection between color and tone; that
when a certain note is struck, a certain color appears
simultaneously. So it is also in the Heaven World. Color and
sound are both present; but the tone is the originator of the
color. Hence it is said, that this is particularly the world of
tone, and it is this tone that builds all forms in the Physical
World. The musician can hear certain tones in different parts
of nature, such as the wind in the forest, the breaking of the
surf on the beach, the roar of the ocean and the sounding of
many waters. These combined tones make a whole which is
the key-note of the Earth—its “tone.” As geometrical figures
are created by drawing a violin bow over the edge of a glass
plate containing sand, so the forms we see around us are the
crystallized sound-figures of the archetypal forces which
play into the archetypes in the Heaven World.
The work done by man in the Heaven World is many-
sided. It is not in the least an inactive, dreamy nor illusory
existence. It is a time of the greatest and most important
activity in preparing for the next life, as sleep is an active
preparation for the work of the following day.

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