Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

that now is will once more be merged in the Absolute for a
period of rest and assimilation of the fruits of our evolution,
to re-emer ge for further and higher develop ment at the dawn
of another Great Day.
The three and one-half Periods already behind us have
been spent in gaining our present vehicles and
consciousness. The remaining three and one-half Periods
will be devoted to perfecting these different vehicles and
expanding our consciousness into something akin to
The journey made by the virgin spirit from
unconsciousness to omniscience, unfolding its latent
possibilities into a kinetic energy, is a process of marvelous
complexity and only the roughest outline will at first be
given. As we progress in our present study, however, more
details will be filled in, until the picture is as complete as the
writer is capable of making it. The attention of the student is
called to the definition of terms that are given as new ideas
are being presented. He is earnestly importuned to
familiarize himself with them, as the intention is to simplify
the matter by using only one familiar English name for the
same idea throughout the work. The name will be as
descriptive as possible of the idea to be conveyed, in hope
that thereby much of the confusion arising from a multiplex
terminology may be avoided. By paying strict attention to
definition of terms, it should not be too difficult for any
person of average intelligence to acquire a knowledge of at
least the outlines of the scheme of evolution.
That such a knowledge is of the utmost importance will,
we think, be conceded by every intelligent individual. We
live in this world, governed by the laws of nature. Under
these laws we must live and work, and we are powerless to

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