Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Active manifestation—particularly in the Physical
World—depends upon separateness; upon the limitation of
life by form. But during the interim between Periods and
Revolutions the marked distinction between form and life
ceases. This applies not only to man and the lower
kingdoms, but to the Worlds and Globes which are the basis
of form for the evolving life. Only the seed atoms and the
nuclei or centers of the World-Globes remain—all else is
one homogenous substance. There is but one Spirit
pervading space. Life and Form, its positive and negative
poles, are one.
This state of things was what Greek mythology
described as “Chaos.” The ancient Norsemen and the
Teutonic mythology call it “Ginnungagap,” which was
bounded upon the northern side by the cold and foggy
“Niflheim”—the land of mist and fog—and upon the south
side by the fire “Muspelheim.” When heat and cold entered
the space which was occupied by Chaos or Ginnungagap,
they caused the crystallization of the visible universe.
The Bible also gives one the idea of infinite space
preceding the activity of the Spirit.
In our present materialistic period we have unfortunately
lost the idea of all that lies behind that word Space. We are
so accustomed to speaking of “empty” space, that we have
entirely lost the grand and holy significance of the word, and
are thus incapable of feeling the reverence that this idea of
Space and Chaos should inspire in our breasts.
To the Rosicrucians, as to any occult school, there is no
such thing as empt y or void space. To themspace is Spirit in
its attenuated form; whilematter is crystallized space or
Spirit. Spirit in manifestation is dual, that which we see as
Form is the negative manifestation of Spirit—crystallized
and inert. The positive pole of Spirit manifests as Life,

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