Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

When these three colors are interblended, as shown in
the diagram, there appear four additional colors, the three
secondary colors—each due to the blending of two primary
colors—and one color (indigo) which contains the entire
gamut of colors, making in all the seven colors of the
spectrum. These colors represent the Seven Spirits befor e
the Throne. The colors are different, as are also the Seven
Spirits, each having a different mission in the Kingdom of
God—our Solar System.
The seven planets circling around the Sun are the dense
bodies of the Seven Planetary Genii. Their names are:
Uranus with one satellite, Saturn with eight moons, Jupiter
with four moons, Mars with two moons, the Earth and its
moon, Venus and Mercury.
Bodies are always found to suit the purpose they are
made to serve, hence the dense bodies of the Seven
Planetary Spirits are sp herical, t hat for m b eing b est a dapted
to the enormous velocity with which they travel through
space. The Earth, for instance, travels about 66,000 miles
per hour in its orbit.
Man's body had a different shape in the past from that of
the present, and from that which it will have in the future.
During involution it was approximately spherical, as it still
is during antenatal life, because the intrauterine development
is a recapitulation of past stages of evolution. At that stage
the organism developed the sphere, because during
involution man's energies were directed inward, upon the
building of its own vehicles, as the embryo develops within
the sphere of the uterus.
Man's dense and vital bodies have straightened , but his
higher vehicles still retain their ovoid form. In the dense
body, the coordinating and governing brain is situated at one
extremity. This is the most unfavorable position for such an

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