Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1



The Polarian Epoch

hile the material which now forms the Earth
was yet a part of the Sun, it was, of course in
a fiery condition; but as the fire does not burn
spirit, our human evolution commenced at once, being
confined particularly to the Polar Region of the Sun.
The highest evolved beings which were to become
human were the first to appear. The substances which now
form the Earth were all molten, and the atmosphere was
gaseous, yet man recapitulated his mineral stage anew.
From that attenuated chemical substance of the sun man
himself built his first mineral body, assisted by the Lords of
Form. If this statement is objected to on the ground that man
could not build unconsciously, the case of the mother can be
cited in answer. Is she conscious of building the body of the
babe in her womb? Yet surely no one will say that she has
nothing to do with it! The only difference is that the mother
builds unconsciously for the babe; and man built
unconsciously for himself.
Man's first dense body did not even remotely resemble
his present splendidly organized vehicle. That has been
evolved only in the course of myriads of years. The first
dense body was a large, baggy object with an opening at the
top, from which an organ projected. This was a kind of
organ of orientation and direction. In the course of time the


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