Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

volcano—all these were to him voices of the Gods from
whom he knew himself to have descended.
Of the birth of his body he knew nothing. He could not
see either it or anything else, but he didperceive his fellow-
beings. It was, however, an inner perception, like our
perception of persons and things in dreams, but with this
very important difference, that his dream-perception was
clear and rational.
Thus he knew nothing at all about his body, in fact he
did not know he had a body any more than we know we
have a stomach when that organ is in good health. We
remember its existence only when our abuse of it causes us
to feel pain there. Under normal conditions we are entirely
unconscious of its processes. Similarly did the body of the
Lemurian serve him excellently, although he was unaware of
its existence. Pain was the means of making him aware of
his body and of the world without.
Everything in connection with the propagation of the
race and the bringing to birth was done by direction of the
Angels under the leadership of Jehovah, the Regent of the
Moon. The propagative function was performed as stated
times of the year when the lines of force, running from
planet to planet, were focused at proper angles. Thus the
creative force encountered no obstruction and parturition
was painless. Man was unaware of birth, because at that
time he was as unconscious of the physical world as he now
is during sleep. It was only in the intimate contact of sex
relation that the spirit beca me aware of the fles h and the man
“knew” his wife. That is shown is such passages of the Bible
as “Adamknew Eve and she bore Seth”; “Elkanahknew
Hannah and she bore Samuel;” and Mary's question, “How I
shall conceive, seeing Iknow no man?” This is also the key

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