Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

and gain knowledge was to use man's physical brain, as they
could make themselves understood by a physical being
endowed with a brain, which the Angels could not.
As said, in the latter part of the Lemurian Epoch man
did not see the physical world as we do now. To him the
Desire World was much more real. He had the dream-
consciousness of the Moon Period—an inner picture-
consciousness; he was unconscious of the world outside
himself. The Lucifers had no difficulty in manifesting to his
inner consciousness and calling his attention to his outward
shape, which he had not theretofore perceived. They told
him how he could cease being simply the servant of external
powers, and could become his own master and like unto the
gods, “knowing good and evil.” They also made clear to him
that he need have no apprehension if his body died,
inasmuch as he had within himself the creative ability to
form new bodies without the mediation of the Angels. All of
which information was given with the one purpose of
turning his consciousness outward for the acquirement of
This the Lucifers did that they might profit by it
themselves—to gain knowledge as man acquired it. They
brought to him pain and suffering where there was none
before; but they also brought him the inestimable blessing of
emancipation from outside influence and guidance, thereby
starting him on the road to the evolution of his own spiritual
powers—an evolution which will eventually enable him to
upbuild himself with wisdom such as that of the Angels and
other Beings Who guided him before he first exercised free
Before man's enlightenment by the Lucifer Spirits he
had not known sickness, pain nor death. All of these resulted

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