Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

another similar tastes and habits would leave their old homes
and found a new colony. They remembered the old customs
and followed them in their new homes as far as they suited,
forming new ones to meet their own particular ideas and
The Leaders of mankind initiated great Kings at that
time to rule the people, over whom they were given great
power. The masses honored these kings with all the
reverence due to those who were thus truly Kings “by the
grace of God.” This happy state, however, had in it the germ
of disintegration, for in time the Kings become intoxicated
with power. They forgot that it had been put into their hands
by the grace of God, as a sacred trust; that they were made
Kings for the purpose of dealing justly by and helping the
people. They bega n to use their power corruptly, for selfish
ends and personal aggrandizement instead of for the
common good, arrogating to themselves privileges and
authorities never intended for them. Ambition and
selfishness ruled them and they abused their high, divinely
derived powers, for purposes of oppression and revenge.
This was true, not only of the Kings, but also of the nobles
and the higher classes, and when one considers the power
possessed by them over their fellow-beings of the less
developed classes, it is easy to understand that its misuse
would bring about terrible conditions.
The Original Turanians were the fourth Atlantean Race.
They were especially vile in their abominable selfishness.
They erected temples where the Kings were worshiped as
gods, and caused the extreme oppression of the helpless
lower classes. Black magic of the worst and most nauseating
kind flourished and all their efforts were directed towards
the gratification of vanity and external display.

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