Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1



Limitations of the Bible

n our study thus far, previous to Chapter XIII,
comparatively little reference has been made to the
Bible, but we shall now devote our attention to it for
some time. Not that it is intended to attempt a vindication of
the Bible (in the form in which it is commonly known to us
at the present day) as the only true and inspired Word of
God, nevertheless it is true that it contains much valuable
occult knowledge. This is, to great extent, hidden beneath
interpolations and obscured by the arbitrary withholding of
certain parts as being “apocryphal.” The occult scientist,
who knows the intended meaning, can, of course, easily see
which portions are original and which have been
interpolated. Yet, if we take the first chapter of Genesis even
as it stands, in the b est translations we poss ess, we s hall find
that it unfolds the identical scheme of evolution which has
been explained in the preceding portion of this work and
harmonized quite well with the occult information in regard
to Periods, Revolutions, Races, etc. The outlines given are
necessarily of the briefest and most condensed character, an
entire Period being covered in a score of words—
nevertheless, the outlines are there.
Before proceeding with an analysis it is necessary to say


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