Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

doomed Atlantis into the “wilderness” (the Desert of Gobi in
Central Asia), there to wander during the cabalistic forty
years, until they could enter the Promised Land. There is a
double and peculiar significance to the descriptive word
“promised” in this connection. The land was called the
“Promised Land” because, as land or earth suitable for
human occupation, it did not exist at the time the “chosen
people” were led into the “wilderness.” Part of the Earth had
been submerged by floods and other parts changed by
volcanic eruptions, hence it was necessary that a period of
time elapse before the new Earth was in a fit condition to
become the possession of the Aryan Race.
The Original Semites were set apart and forbidden to
marry into other tribes or peoples, but they were a stiff-
necked and hard people, being yet led almost exclusively by
desire and cunning, therefore they disobeyed the command.
Their Bible records that the sons of God married the
daughters of man—the lower grades of their Atlantean
compatriots. They thus frustrated the designs of Jehovah and
were cast off, the fruit of such cross-breeding being useless
as seed for the coming Race.
These cross-breeds were the progenitors of the present
Jews, who now speak of “lost tribes.” They know that some
of the original number left them and went another way, but
they do not know that those were the few who remained
true. The story of the ten tribes being lost is a fable. Most of
them perished, but the faithful ones survived, and from that
faithful remnant have descended the present Aryan Races.
The contention of the opponents of the Bible, that it is a
mere mutilation of the original writings, is cheerfully agreed
to by occult science. Parts of it are even conceded to be
entire fabrications and no attempt is made to prove its

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