Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

veins of a bird kills the bird, but it will not hurt the dog to
have the bird's blood inoculated into its veins. Science
merely states the fact, the occult scientist gives the reason.
The blood is the vantage ground of the spirit, as shown
elsewhere. The Ego in man works in its own vehicles by
means of the heat of the blood; the race, family or
community spirit gains entrance to the blood by means of
theair we inspire. In the animals are also both the separate
spirit of the animal and the group-spirit of the species to
which it belongs, but the spirit of the animal is not
individualized and does not work self-consciously with its
vehicles as does the Ego, hence it is altogether dominated by
the group-spirit which works in the blood.
When the blood of a higher animal is inoculated into the
veins of one from a lower species, the spirit in the blood of
the higher animal is of course stronger than the spirit of the
less evolved; hence when it endeavors to assert itself it kills
the imprisoning form and liberates itself. When, on the other
hand, the blood of a lower species is inoculated into the
veins of a higher animal, the higher spirit is capable of
ousting the less-evolved spirit in the strange blood and
assimilating the blood to its own purposes, therefore no
visible catastrophe ensues.
The group-spirit always aims to preserve the integrity of
its domain in the blood of the species under its charge. Like
the human Race-God, it resents the marriage of its subjects
into other species and visits the sins of the fathers upon the
children as we see in the case of hybrids. Where a horse and
a donkey produce a mule for instance, the mixture of strange
blood destroys the propagative faculty so as not to
perpetuate the hybrid which is an abomination from the
standpoint of the group-spirit, for the mule is not so

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