Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

definitely under the dominion of the group-spirit of the
horses or of the group-spirit of the donkeys as the pure
breed, yet it is not so far away as to be entirely exempt from
their influence. If two mules could mate, their offspring
would be still less under the dominion of either of these
group-spirits, and so a new speciesWITHOUT A GROUP-
SPIRIT would result. That would be anomaly in nature, an
impossibility until the separate animal-spirits should have
become sufficiently evolved to beself-sufficient. Such a
species, could it be produced, would be without the guiding
instinct, so-called, which is in reality the promptings of the
group-spirit; they would be in an analogous position to a
litter of kittens removed from the mother's womb prior to
birth. They could not possibly shift for themselves, so they
would die.
Therefore, as it is the group-spirit of the animals that
sends the separate spirits of the animals into embodiment, it
simply withholds the fertilizing seed atom when animals of
widely differing species are mated. It permits one of its
charges to take advantage of an opportunity for incarnation
where two animals of nearly the same nature are mated, but
refuses to let the hybrids perpetuate themselves. Thus we see
that the infusion of strange blood weakens the hold of the
group-spirit and that therefore it either destroys theform or
the propagativefaculty where it has the power.
The human spirit is individualized, an Ego, it is evolving
free will and responsibility. It is drawn to incarnation by the
irresistible Law of Consequence, so that it is beyond the
power of the race, community or family spirit to keep it out
of incarnation at the present stage of human development,
and by the admixture of strange blood, by intermarriage of
the individuals of different tribes or nations, the leaders of

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