Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

leads to emancipation.
Christ came to reunite the separated races in bonds of
peace and good will, wherein all will willingly and
consciously follow the law of Love.
The present Christianity is not even a shadow of the true
religion of Christ. That will rema in in abeyance unt il all race
feeling shall have been overcome. In the Sixth Epoch there
will be but one Universal Brotherhood, under the Leadership
of theReturned Christ, but the day and the hour no man
knows, for it is not fixed, but depends upon how soon a
sufficient number of people shall have commenced to live
the life of Fellowship and Love, which is to be the hall-mark
of the new dispensation.

In connection with the analysis of Genesis, a few more
words must be said about “The Fall,” which is the backbone
and sinew of popular Christianity. Had there been no “Fall,”
there would have been no need for the “plan of salvation.”
When, in the middle of the Lemurian Epoch, the
separation of the sexes occurred (in which work Jehovah and
His Angels were active), the Ego began to work slightly
upon the dense body, building organs within. Man was not
at that time the wide-awake conscious being he is at present,
but by means of half the sex force, he was building a brain
for the expression of thought as previously described. He
was more awake in the Spiritual World than in the physical;
hardly saw his body and was not conscious of the act of
propagation. The Bible statement that Jehovah put man to
sleep when he was to bring forth is correct. There was no
pain nor trouble connected with childbirth; nor (because of

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