Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1



The Evolution Of Religion

n the foregoing part of this work we have become
familiar with the way in which our present outside
world came into existence, and how man evolved
the complicated organism with which he is related to outer
conditions. We have also, in a measure, studies the Jewish
Race-religion. We will next consider the last and greatest of
the divine measures put forth for the uplifting of humanity,
i.e., Christianity, which will be the Universal Religion of the
It is a notable fact that man and his religions have
evolved side by side and in an equal degree. The earliest
religion of any Race is found to be as savage as the people
governed by it and as they become more civilized, their
religions become more and more humane and in harmony
with higher ideals.
From this fact materialists have drawn the inference that
no religion has a higher origin than man himself. Their
investigations into early history have resulted in a conviction
that, as man progressed, he civilized his God and fashioned
Him after his own pattern.
This reasoning is defective, because it fails to take into
account that man isnot the b ody, but anindwelling spirit, an
Ego who uses the body with ever-increasing facility as
evolution progresses.


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