Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Physical World and appear as a man among men. Had He
appeared in a manifestly miraculous manner, it would have
been contrary to the scheme of evolution, because at the end
of the Atlantean Epoch humanity had been given freedom to
do right or wrong. That they might learn to become self-
governing, no coercion whatever could be used. They must
know good and evil through experience. Before that time
they had been led willy-nilly, but at that time they were
given freedom under the different Race-religions, each
religion adapted to the needs of its particular Tribe or

All Race-religions are of the Holy Spirit. They are
insufficient, becaus e they are based on la w, which makes for
sin and brings death, pain and sorrow.
All Race-spirits know this, and realize that their
religions are merely steps to something better. This is shown
by the fact that all Race-religions, without exception, point
to One Who isto come. The religion of the Persians pointed
to Mithras; of the Chaldeans to Tammuz. The old Norse
Gods foresaw the approach of “The Twilight of the Gods,”
when Sutr, the bright Sun-spirit, shall supersede them and a
new and fairer order be established on “Gimle,” the
regenerated earth. The Egyptians waited for Horus, the
newborn Sun. Mithras and Tammuz are also symbolized as
Solar orbs and all the principal Temples were built facing
the East, that the rays of the rising Sun might shine directly
through the open doors; even Saint Peter's at Rome is so
placed. All thes e facts show t hat it was generally known that
the One Who was to come was a Sun-spirit and was to save
humanity from the separative influences necessarily
contained in all Race-religions.

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