Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

It is a matter for congratulation, however, that society
feels compelled to apologize for the retaliative methods
used. Corrective methods and mercy are becoming more and
more prominent in the administration of the laws, as is
shown by the favorable reception which has been accorded
that very modern institution, the Juvenile Court. Further
manifestation of this same tendency may be noted in the
increasing frequency with which convicted prisoners are
released on probation, under suspended sentence; also in the
greater humanity with which prisoners of war are treated of
late years. These are the vanguards of the sentiment of
Universal Brotherhood, which is slowly but surely making
its influence felt.
Yet, though the world is advancing and though, for
instance, it has been comparatively easy for the writer to
secure a hearing for his views in the differ ent cit ies where he
has lectured, the daily papers sometimes devoting to his
utterances whole pages (and front pages at that) so long as
he confined himself to speaking of the higher worlds and the
postmortem states, it has been very noticeable that as soon as
the theme was Universal Brotherhood his articles have
always been consigned to the waste-basket.
The world in general is very unwilling to consider
anything that is, as it thinks, “too” unselfish. There must be
“something in it.” Nothing is regarded as an entirely natural
line of conduct if it offers no opportunity for “getting the
best of” one's fellowmen. Commercial undertakings are
planned and conducted on that principle and, before the
minds of those who are enslaved by the desire to accumulate
useless wealth, the idea of Universal Brotherhood conjures
up frightful visions of the abolition of capitalism and its
inevitable concomitant, the exploitation of others, with the

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