Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

wreck of “business interests” implied thereby. The word
“enslaved” exactly describes this condition. According to
the Bible, man was to have dominion over the world, but in
the vast majority of cases the reverse is true—it is the world
which has dominion over man. Every man who has property
interests will, in his saner moments, admit that they are a
never-failing source of worry to him; that he is constantly
scheming to hold his possessions, or at least to keep from
being deprived of them by “sharp practice,” knowing that
others are as constantly scheming to accomplish that, to
them, desirable end. The man is the slave of what, with
unconscious irony, he calls “my possessions,” when in
reality they possess him. Well did the Sage of Concord say,
“Things are in the saddle and ride mankind!”
This state of affairs is the result of Race-religions, with
their system of law; ther efor e do t hey all look for “One Who
is to come.” The Christian religion ALONE isnot looking
for One Whois to come, but for One Who is to comeagain.
The time of this second coming depends upon when the
Church can fr ee its elf from t he State. The Church, especially
in Europe, is bound to the Chariot of State. The ministers are
fettered by economic considerations and dare not proclaim
the truths that their studies have revealed to them.
A visitor to Copenhagen, Denmark, recently witnessed a
church confirmation service. The Church there is under State
control and all ministers are appointed by the temporal
power. The parishioners have nothing whatever to say in the
matter. They may attend church or not, as they please, but
they are compelled to pay the taxes which support the
In addition to holding office by the bounty of the State,
the pastor of the particular church visit ed was decorated with

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