Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

several Orders conferred by the king, the glittering badges
bearing silent but eloquent testimony as to the extent of his
subserviency to the State. During the ceremony, he prayed
for the king and the legislators, that they might rule the
country wisely. As long as kings and legislators exist, this
prayer might be very appropriate, but it was a considerable
shock to hear him add: “.... and, almighty God, protect and
strengthen our army and navy!”
Such a prayer as this shows plainly that the God
worshiped is the Tribal or National God—the Race-spirit,
for the last act of the gentle Christ Jesus was to stay the
sword of the friend who would have protected Him
therewith. Although He said He had not come to send peace,
but a sword, it was because He foresaw the oceans of blood
that would be spilled by the militant “Christian” nations in
their mistaken understanding of His teachings and because
high ideals cannot be immediately attained by humanity.
The wholesale murder of war and like atrocities are harsh,
but they are potent illustrations of what Love would abolish.
There is, apparently, a flat contradiction between the
words of Christ Jesus, “I came not to send peace, but a
sword,” and the words of the celestial song which heralded
the birth of Jesus, “On earth Peace, Goodwill toward men.”
This contradiction, however, is apparent only.
There is as great an apparent contradiction between a
woman's words and her actions when she says, “I am going
to clean house and tidy up,” and then proceeds to take up
carpets and pile chairs one upon another, producing general
confusion in a previously orderly house. One observing only
this aspect of the matter, would be justified in saying, “She
is making matters worse instead of better,” but when the
purpose of her work is understood, the expediency of the

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