Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

temporary disorder is realized and in the end her house will
be the better for the passing disturbance.
Similarly, we must bear in mind that the time which has
elapsed since the coming of Christ Jesus is but little more
than a moment in comparison with the duration of even one
Day of Manifestation. We must learn, as did Whitman, to
“know the amplitude of time,” and look beyond the past and
present cruelties and jealousies of the warring sects to the
shining age of Universal Brotherhood, which will mark the
next great step of man's progress on his long and wondrous
journey from the clod to the God, from protoplasm to
conscious unity with the Father, that

... one far-off, divine event
To which the whole creation moves.

It may be added that the above mentioned pastor, during
the ceremony of receiving his pupils into the Church taught
them that Jesus Christ was a composite individual; that Jesus
was the mortal, human part, while Christ was the divine,
immortal Spirit. Presumably, if the matter had been
discussed with him, he would not have supported this
statement, nevertheless in making it he stated an occult fact.

The unifying influence of the Christ has been
symbolized in the beautiful legend of the worship of the
three magi, or “wise men of the East,” so skillfully woven
by General Lew Wallace into his charming story, “Ben
The three wise men—Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar—
are the representatives of the white, yellow and black Races
and symbolize the people of Europe, Asia and Africa, who

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