Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Under the “old dispensation” the path to Initiation was
not open. It was for only the chosen few. Some might seek
the path, but only those who were guided to the Temples by
the Hierophants found entrance. Previous to the advent of
Christ, there was no such sweeping invitation as
“Whosoever will may come.”
At the moment the blood flowed on Golgotha, however,
“the veil of the Temple was rent” (for reasons presently to
be exp lained), and ever since t hat time, whos oever will s eek
admittance will surely find it.
In the Temples of Mystery the Hierophant taught his
pupils that there is in the Sun a spiritual, as well as a
physical force. The latter force in the rays of the Sun is the
fecundating principle in nature. It causes the growth of the
plant world and thereby sustains the animal and human
kingdom. It is the upbuilding energy which is the source of
all physical force.
This physical, solar energy reaches its highest
expression in midsummer, when the days are longest and the
nights are shortest, because the rays of the Sun then fall
directly on the northern hemisphere. At that time the
spiritual forces are the most inactive.
On the other hand, in December, during the long winter
nights, the physical force of the solar orb is dormant and the
spiritual forces reach their maximum degree of activity.
The night b et ween t he 24th and the 25th of Decemb er is
The Holy Night,par excellence, of the entire year. The
Zodiacal sign of the immaculate celestial Virgin stands upon
the eastern horizon near midnight, the Sun of the New Year
is then born and starts upon his journey from the
southernmost point toward the northern hemisphere, to save
that part of humanity (physically) from the darkness and

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