Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

famine which would inevitably result if he were to remain
permanently south of the equator.
To the people of the northern hemisphere, where all our
present day religions originated, the Sun is directly below
the Earth; and the spiritual influences are strongest, in the
north, at midnight of the 24th of December.
That being the case, it follows as a matter of course that
it would then be easiest for those who wished to take a
definite step toward Initiation to get in conscious touch with
the spiritual Sun especially for the first time.
Therefore the pupils who were ready for Initiation were
taken in hand by the Hierophants of the Mysteries, and by
mea ns of ceremonies perfor med in the Temple, were raised
to a state of exaltation wherein they transcended physical
conditions. To their spiritual vision, the solid Earth became
transparent and they saw the Sun at midnight—“The Star!”
It was not the physical Sun they saw with spiritual eyes,
however, but the Spirit in the Sun—The Christ—their
Spiritual Savior, as the physical Sun was their physical
This is the Star that shone on that Holy Night and that
still shines for the mystic in the darkness of night. When the
noise and confusion of physical activity are quieted, he
enters into his closet and seeks the way to the King of Peace.
The Blazing Star is ever there to guide him and his soul
hears the prophetic song, “On earth Peace, Goodwill toward
Peace and goodwill to all, without exception; no room
for one single enemy or outcast! Is it any wonder that it is
hard to educate humanity to such a high standard? Is there
any better way to show the beauty of, and the necessity for
peace, goodwill and love than by contrasting them with the

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