Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

present state of war, selfishness and hate?
The stronger the light, the deeper the shadow it casts.
The higher our ideals, the more plainly can we see our
Unfortunately, at the present stage of development,
humanity is willing to learn only by the hardest experience.
As a Race, it must become absolutely selfish to feel the
bitter pangs caused by the selfishness of others, as one must
know much sickness to be thoroughly thankful for health.
The religionmiscalled Christianity has therefore been
the bloodiest religion known, not excepting
Mohammedanism, which in this respect is somewhat akin to
our malpracticed Christianity. On the battle field and in the
Inquisition innumerable and unspeakable atrocities have
been committed in the name of the gentle Nazarene. The
Sword and the Wine Cup,—the perverted Cross and
Communion Chalice—have been the means by which the
more powerful of the so-called Christian nations gained
supremacy over the heathen peoples, and even over other
but weaker nations professing the same faith as their
conquerors. The most cursory reading of the history of the
Greco-Latin, Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon Races will
corroborate this.
While man was under thefull sway of Race-religions
each nation was a united whole. Individual interests were
willingly subordinated to the community interests. All were
“under the law.” All were members of their respective tribes
first, and individuals only secondarily.
At the present time there is a tendency toward the other
extreme—to exalt “self” above all else. The result is evident
in the economic and industrial problems that are facing
every nation and clamoring for solution.

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