Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

The state of development wherein every man feels
himself an absolutely separate unit, an Ego, independently
pursuing his own course, is a necessary stage. The national,
tribal and family unity must first be broken up before
Universal Brotherhood can become a fact. Theregime of
Paternalism has been largely superseded by the reign of
Individualism. We are learning the evils of the latter more
and more as our civilization advances. Our unsystematic
method of distributing the products of labor, the rapacity of
the few and the exploitation of many—these social crimes
result in under-consumption, industrial depressions and
labor disturbances, destroying internal peace. The industrial
war of the present day is vastly more far-reaching and
destructive than the military wars of the nations.

No lesson, thou gh its truth may b e superficially assented
to, is of any real value as an active principle of the life until
the heart has learned it in longing and bitterness, and the
lesson man must so learn is that what is not beneficial to all
can never be truly beneficial to any. For nearly 2,000 years
we have lightly assented with our lips that we should govern
our lives in accordance with such maxims as “Return good
for evil.” The Heart urges mercy and love, but the Reason
urges belligerent and retaliatory measures, if not as revenge,
at least as a means of preventing a repetition of hostilities. It
is this divorce of head from heart that hinders the growth of
a true feeling of Universal Brotherhood and the adoption of
the teachings of Christ—the Lord of Love.
The mind is the focusing point by means of which the
Ego becomes aware of the material universe. As an
instrument for the acquisition of knowledge in those realms
the mind is invaluable, but when it arrogates to itself therole

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