Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

of dictator as to the conduct of man to man, it is as though
the lens should say to an astronomer who was in the act of
photographing the Sun through a telescope: “You have me
improperly focused. You are not looking at the Sun
correctly. I do not think it is good to photograph the Sun
anyway, and I want you to point me at Jupiter. The rays of
the Sun heat me too much and are liable to damage me.”
If the astronomer exercises his will and focuses the
telescope as he desires, telling it to attend to its business of
transmitting the rays that strike it, leaving the results to him,
the work will proceed well, but if the lens has the stronger
will and the mechanism of the telescope is in league with it,
the astronomer will be seriously hampered in having to
contend with a refractory instrument, and the result will be
blurred pictures, of little or no value.
Thus it is with the Ego. It works with a threefold body,
which it controls, or should control through the mind. But,
sad to say, this body has a will of its own and is often aided
and abetted by the mind, thus frustrating the purposes of the
This antagonistic “lower will” is an expression of the
higher part of the desire body. When the division of the Sun,
Moon, and Earth took place, in the early part of the
Lemurian Epoch, the more advanced portion of humanity-
in-the-making experienced a division of the desire body into
a higher and a lower part. The rest of humanity did likewise
in the early part of the Atlantean Epoch.
This higher part of the desire body became a sort of
animal-soul. It built the cerebro-spinal nervous system and
the voluntary muscles, by that means controlling the lower
part of the threefold body until the link of mind was given.
Then the mind “coalesced” with this animal soul and

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