Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

become a co-regent.
The mind is thus bound up in desire; is enmeshed in the
selfish lower nature, making it difficult for the spirit to
control the body. The focusing mind, which should be the
ally of the higher nature, is alienated by and in league with
the lower nature—enslaved by desire.
The law of the Race religions was given to emancipate
intellect from desire. The “fear of God” was pitted against
“the desires of the flesh.” This, however, was not enough to
enable one to become master of the body and secure its
willing co-operation. It became necessary for the spirit to
find in the body another point of vantage, which was not
under the sway of the desire nature. All muscles are
expressions of the desire body and a straight road to the
capital, where the traitorous mind is wedded to desire and
reigns supreme.
If the United States were at war with France, it would
not land troops in England, hoping in that way to subjugate
the French. It would land its soldiers directly in France, and
fight there.
Like a wise general, the Ego followed a similar course
of action. It did not commence its campaign by getting
control of one of the glands, for they are expressions of the
vital body; nor was it possible to get control of the voluntary
muscles, for they are too well garrisoned by the enemy. That
part of the involuntary muscular system which is controlled
by the sympathetic nervous system would also be useless for
the purpose. It must get into a more direct touch with the
cerebro-spinal nervous system. To do this, and secure a base
of operations in the enemy's country, it must control a
muscle which is involuntary, and yet connected with the
voluntary nervous system. Such a muscle is the heart.

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