Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

We have previously spoken of the two kinds of
muscles—voluntary and involuntary. The latter are formed
in lengthwise stripes and are connected with functions not
under the control of the will, such as digestion, respiration,
excretion, etc. The voluntary muscles are those which are
controlled by the will through the voluntary nervous system,
such as the muscles of the hand and arm. They are striped
both lengthwise and crosswise.
The above is true of all muscles in the bodyexcept the
heart, which is an involuntary muscle. Ordinarily, we cannot
control the circulation. Under normal conditions the heart-
beat is a fixed quantity, yet to the bewilderment of
physiologists, the heart iscross-striped like a voluntary
muscle. It is the only organ in the body exhibiting this
peculiarity but, sphinx-like, it refuses to give material
scientists an answer to the riddle.
The occult scientist easily finds the answer in the
memory of nature. From that record he learns that when the
Ego first sought a stronghold in the heart, the latter was
striped lengthwise only, the same as any other involuntary
muscle; but as the Ego gained more and more control over
the heart, the cross-stripes have gradually developed. They
are not so numerous nor so well defined as on the muscles
under the full control of the desire body, but as the altruistic
principles of love and brotherhood increase in strength and
gradually overrule the reason, which is based in desire, so
will these cross-stripes become more numerous and more
As previously stated, the seed atom of the dense body is
located in the heart during life and withdrawn only at death.
The active work of the Ego is in the blood. Now, if we
except the lungs, the heart is the only organ in the body

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