Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

through which all the blood passes in every cycle.
The blood is the highest expression of the vital body, for
it nourishes the entire physical organism. It is also, in a
sense, the vehicle of the subconscious memory, and in touch
with the Memory of Nature, situated in the highest division
of the Etheric Region. The blood carries the pictures of life
from ancestors to descendants for generations, where there is
a common blood, as produced by inbreeding.
There are in the head three points, each of which is the
particular seat of one of the three aspects of the spirit (See
diagram 17), the second and third aspects having, in
addition, secondary vantage grounds.
The desire body is the perverted expression of the Ego.
It converts the “Selfhood” of the spirit into “selfishness.”
Selfhood seeks not its own at the expense of others.
Selfishness seeks gain regardless of others. The seat of the
human spirit is primarily in the pineal gland and secondarily
in the brain and cerebro-spinal nervous system, which
controls the voluntary muscles.
The love and unity in the World of the Life Spirit find
their illusor y cou nt erpart in the Et heric Region, to which we
are correlated by the vital body, which latter promotes sex
love and sex union. The life spirit has its seat primarily in
the pituitary body and secondarily in the heart, which is the
gateway of the blood that nourishes the muscles.
The actionless Divine Spirit—The Silent Watcher—
finds its material expression in the passive, inert and
irresponsive skeleton of the dense body, which is the
obedient instrument of other bodies, but has no power to act
on its own initiative. The Divine Spirit has its stronghold in
the impenetrable point at the root of the nose.
In reality there is but one spirit, the Ego, but looking at it

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