Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

this book may be deceived by imposters professing ability
and willingness to so train aspirants for a consideration, it is
emphatically repeated thatNo true occultist ever boasts,
advertises his occult power, sells occult information or
lessons at so much each or for a course; nor will he consent
to a theatrical display. His work is done in the most
unobtrusive manner possible and solely for the purpose of
legitimately helping others, without thought of self.
As said in the beginning of this chapter, all persons
earnestly desiring the higher knowledge may rest assured
that if they will but seek, they will find the way open for
them. Christ Himself prepared the way for “whosoever
will.” He will help and welcome all real seekers who are
willing to work for Universal Brotherhood.

During the last 2,000 years much has been said about
“the cleansing blood.” The blood of Christ has been extolled
from the pulpit as the sovereign remedy for sin; theonly
means of redemption and salvation.
But if the laws of Rebirth and Consequence work in
such a way that the evolving beings reap as they have sown,
and if the evolutionary impulse is constantly bringing
humanity higher and higher, ultimately to attain
perfection—where then is the need for redemption and
salvation? Even if the need existed, how can the death of
one individual help the rest? Would it not be nobler to suffer
the consequences of one's acts than to hide behind another?
These are some of the objections to the doctrine of vicarious
atonement and redemption by the blood of Christ Jesus. We
will try to answer them before showing the logical harmony
between the operation of the Law of Consequence and the
Atonement by Christ.

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