Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

branches which sprang up all over Europe.
In many places the Knights of the Round Table were
high Initiates in the Mysteries of the New Dispensation. So
were the Knights of The Grail—to whom was finally
confided Joseph of Arimathea's Grail Cup, which was used
by Christ Jesus at The Last Supper. They were afterward
entrusted also with the Lance which pierced His side, and
the receptacle which received the blood from the wound.
The Druids of Ireland and the Trottes of Northern
Russia were esoteric schools through which the Master Jesus
worked during the so-called “Dark Ages,” but, dark though
they were, the spiritual impulse spread, and from the
standpoint of the occult scientist they were “Bright Ages”
compared to the growing materialism of the last 300 years,
which has increased physical knowledge immensely, but has
almost extinguished the Light of the Spirit.
Tales of “The Grail,” “Knights of The Round Table,”
etc., are now scouted as superstitions and all that cannot be
materially demonstrated is regarded as unworthy of belief.
Glorious as are the discoveries of modern science, they have
been bought at the terrible price of crushing the spiritual
intuition and, from a spiritual standpoint, no darker day than
the present has ever dawned.
The Elder Brothers, Jesus among them, have striven and
are striving to counteract this terrible influence, which is like
that in the eyes of the snake, causing the bird to fall into its
jaws. Every attempt to enlighten people and awaken in them
a desire to cultivate the spiritual side of life, is an evidence
of the activity of the Elder Brothers.
May their efforts be crowned with success and speed the
day when modern science shall be spiritualized and conduct
its investigation of matter from the standpoint of spirit, for

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