Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1



The Seven Days of Creation

he Rosicrucian speaks of the Earth Period as
Mars-Mercury. The gr eat creative Day of
Manifestation is embodied in the names of the
days of the week, for our weekdays have been named after
the evolutionary stages through which the virgin spirits pass
in their pilgrimage through matter.

Day Corresponds to the Is ruled by
Saturday............... Saturn Period............................... Saturn
Sunday................. Sun Period................................... The Sun
Monday.................Moon Period................................The Moon
Tuesday................ First half of the Earth Period...... Mars
Wednesday........... Second half of the Earth Period.. Mercury
Thursday.............. Jupiter Period.............................. Jupiter
Friday................... Venus Period............................... Venus
The Vulcan Period is the last Period of our scheme of
evolution. The quintessence of all the preceding Periods is
extracted by the recapitulation of spiral after spiral. No new
work is done until the very last Revolution on the very last
Globe and then only in the Seventh Epoch. Therefore the
Vulcan Period may be said to correspond to the week, which
includes all of the seven days.
The claim of astrologers that the days of the week are
ruled by the particular planet for which they are named, is
well-founded. The ancients were also familiar with this
occult knowledge, as is shown in their mythologies, in


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