Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

which the names of the gods are associated with the days of
the week. Saturday is plainly “Saturn's day”; Sunday is
correlated to the Sun, and Monda y to the Moon. The Latins
call Tuesday “Dies Martis,” which obviously shows its
connection with Mars, the god of war. The name “Tuesday”
is derived fr om “Tirsdag,” “Tir” or “Tyr,” being t he na me of
the Norse god of war. “Wednesday” was “Wotensdag,” from
Woten, also a Norse god; it is called “Dies Mercurii” by the
Latins, showing its association with Mercury, as given in our
Thursday, or “Thorsdag,” is named for “Thor,” the
Norse god of thunder, and is called “Dies Jovis” by the
Latins, after the thunder god, “Jove” or “Jupiter.”
Friday is named for the Norse goddess of beauty,
“Freya,” and for similar reasons, the Latins call it “Dies
Veneris,” or Day of Venus.
These names of Periods have nothing to do with the
physical planets, but refer to past, present or future
incarnations of the Earth; for, again applying the Hermetic
axiom, “As above, so below,” the macrocosm must have its
incarnations as well as the microcosm, man.
Occult science teaches that there are 777 incarnations,
but that does not mean that the Earth undergoes 777
metamorphoses. It means that evolving life makes

7 Revolutions around the
7 Globes of the
7 World Periods.
This pilgrimage of Involution and Evolution, including
the “short cut” of Initiation, is emb odied in the Caduceus , or
“Staff of Mercury” (see diagram 15), so called because this
occult symbol indicates The Path of Initiation, which has

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