Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

from himself as objects in space. He will then possess an
Objective, Self-Conscious, Creative-Consciousness.
Very little can be said about the high spiritual
consciousness which will be attained at the close of the
Vulcan Period; it would be quite beyond our present

It must not be supposed that these states of
consciousness commence at the beginning of the Periods to
which they b elong and last until t he end. Ther e is always the
Recapitulation, and therefore there must be the
corresponding stages of consciousness on an ascending
scale. The Saturn Revolution of any Period, the stay on
Globe A, and the first Epoch on any Globe, are repetitions of
the Saturn Period states of development. The Sun
Revolution, the stay on Globe B, and the second Epoch on
any Globe are Recapitulations of the Sun Period states of
development, and so on, all the way through. Hence it will
be seen that the consciousness which is to be the especial
and peculiar result or product of any Period, does not begin
to be evolved until all the Recapitulations have been made.
The waking-consciousness of the Earth Period was not
started until the Fourth Revolution, when the life wave had
reached the Fourth Globe (D), and was in the Fourth or
Atlantean Epoch on that Globe.
The Jupiter Consciousness will not start in the Jupiter
Period until the Fifth Revolution, when the Fifth Globe (E)
has been reached and the Fifth Epoch commences on that
Correspondingly, the Venus consciousness will not
begin until the Sixth Revolution has come to the Sixth Globe
and Epoch, and the special Vulcan work will be confined to

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