Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

The dense body was started in the Saturn Period, passed
through various transformations in the Sun and Moon
Periods, and will reach its highest development in the Earth
The vital body was started in the second Revolution of
the Sun Period, was reconstructed in the Moon and Earth
Periods, and will reach perfection in the Jupiter Period,
which is its fourth stage, as the Earth Period is the fourth
stage for the dense body.
The desire body was started in the Moon period,
reconstructed in the Earth period, will be further modified in
the Jupiter Period, reaching perfection in the Venus period.
The mind was started in the Earth Period, will be
modified in the Jupiter and Venus Periods, and attain to
perfection in the Vulcan Period.
Reference to diagram 8 will show that the lowest Globe
of the Jupiter Period is located in the Etheric Region. It
would therefore be impossible to use the dense physical
vehicle there, as only a vital body can be used in the Etheric
Region. Yet it must not be supposed that after spending the
time from the beginning of the Saturn Period to the end of
the Earth Period in completing and perfecting this body, it is
then thrown away that man may function in a “higher”
Nothing in Nature is wasted. In the Jupiter Period the
forces of the dense body will be superimposed upon the
completed vital body. That vehicle will then possess the
powers of the dense body in addition to its own faculties,
and will therefore be a much more valuable instrument for
the expression of the threefold spirit than if built from its
own forces alone.
Similarly, Globe D of the Venus Period is located in the

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