Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

has garnered during its pilgrimage through all the seven
Periods, will b e absorb ed by t he Divine Spirit at the close of
the Vulcan Period. (There is no contradiction of the
foregoing in the statement made elsewhere that the
Emotional soul will be absorbed by the human spirit in the
fifth Revolution of the Vulcan Period, because the latter will
then be within the Divine Spirit.)
Then will succeed the long interval of subjective activity
during which the virgin spirit will assimilate all the fruits of
the septenary Periods of active Manifestation. It is then
merged in God, from Whom it came, to re-emerge at the
dawn of another Great Day, as One of His glorious helpers.
During its past evolution its latent possibilities have been
transmuted to dynamic powers. It has acquiredSoul-power
and aCreative Mind as the fruitage of its pilgrimage through
matter. It has advanced fromimpotence to Omnipotence,
from nescience to Omniscience.

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