Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1



The First Steps

he time has now come for pointing out the way
by which each individual may investigate for
himself all the facts with which we have dealt
thus far in our study. As stated in t he b eginning, ther e are no
special “gifts” bestowed upon any. All may know for
themselves the truth concerning the pilgrimage of the soul,
the past evolution and future destiny of the world, without
being compelled to depend upon the veracity of another.
There is a method whereby this valuable faculty may be
acquired, and the earnest student qualify himself to
investigate those super-physical realms; a method by which,
if persistently followed, the powers of a God may be
A simple illustration may indicate the first steps. The
very best mechanic is well-nigh helpless without the tools of
his craft. Indeed it is the hallmark of a good artisan that he is
very fastidious as to the quality and condition of the tools he
uses, because he knows that the work depends as much upon
their excellence as upon his skill.
The Ego has several instruments—a dense body, a vital
body, a desire body, and a mind. These are its tools and
upon their quality and condition depends how much or how
little it can accomplish in its work of gathering experience in
each life. If the instruments are poor and dull there will be


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