Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

the other two.
There are three helps given in attaining these three
stages. They can be seen in the outside world, where the
great Leaders of humanity have placed them.
The first help is Race religions, which by aiding
humanity toovercome the desire body, prepare it for union
with the Holy Spirit.
The full operation of this help was seen on the Day of
Pent ecost. As t he Holy Sp irit is t he Race God, all la nguages
are expressions of it. That is why the apostles, when fully
united and filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke with different
tongues and were able to convince their hearers. Their desire
bodies had been sufficiently purified to bring about the
wished-for union and this is an earnest of what the disciple
will one day attain to—the power to speak all tongues. It
may also be cited as a modern, historical example, that the
Comte de St. Germain (who was one of the later
incarnations of Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of our
sacred Order), spoke all languages, so that all to whom he
spoke thought he belonged to the same nation as they. He
also had achieved union with the Holy Spirit.
In the Hyperborean Epoch, before man possessed a
desire body, there was but one universal mode of
communication and when the desire body has become
sufficiently purified, all men will again be able to
understand one another, for then the separative Race
differentiation will have passed away.
The second help which humanity now has is the
Religion of the Son—the Christian religion, the object of
which isUnion with Christ by purification and control of the
vital body.
Paul refers to this future state when he says: “Until

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