Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

do Your part in return.
Christ gave to humanity a prayer that is, like Himself,
unique and all-embracing. In it there are seven distinct and
separate prayers; one for each of the seven principles of
man—the threefold body, the threefold spirit and the link of
mind. Each prayer is peculiarly adapted to promote the
progression of that part of composite man to which it refers.
The purpose of the prayer relating to the threefold body
is the spiritualization of those vehicles and the extraction
therefrom of the threefold soul.
The prayers relating to the threefold spirit prepare it to
receive the extracted essence, the threefold soul.
The prayer for the link of mind is to keep it in its proper
relation as a tie between the higher and the lower nature.
The third help to be given to humanity will be the
Religion of the Father. We can have very little conception of
what that will be, save that the ideal will be even higher than
Brotherhood and that by it the dense body will be
The Religions of the Holy Spirit, the Race religions,
were for the uplifting of the human race through a feeling of
kinship limited to a group—family, tribe or nation.
The purpose of the Religion of The Son, Christ, is to
further uplift mankind by forming it into a Universal
Brotherhood of separate individuals.
The ideal of the Religion of The Father will be the
elimination of all separateness, merging all into One, so that
there will be no “I” nor “Thou,” but all will be Onein
reality. This will not come to pass while we are still
inhabitants of the physical Earth, but in a future state where
we shall realize our unity with all, each having access to all
the knowledge garnered by each separate individual. Just as

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