Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

the single facet of a diamond has access to all the light that
comes through each of the other facets, is one with them, yet
bounded by lines which give it a certain individuality
without separateness, so will the individual spiritretain the
memory of its particular experiences, while giving to all
othersthe fruits of its individual existence.
These are the steps and stages through which humanity
is unconsciously being led.
In past ages the Race spirit reigned alone. Man was
content with a patriarchal and paternal government in which
he had no part. Now all over the world we see signs of the
breaking down of the old system. The caste system, which
was the stronghold of England in India, is crumbling.
Instead of being separated into small groups, the people are
uniting in the demand that the oppressor shall depart and
leave them to live in freedom under a government of, by and
for the people. Russia is torn by strife for freedom from a
dictatorial, autocratic government. Turkey has awakened
and taken a long stride t oward lib erty. Her e in our own la nd,
wher e we are suppos ed to b e in the actual enjoyment of such
liberty as others are, as yet, only able to covet or fight for,
we are not yet satisfied. We are learning that ther e are other
oppressions than those of an autocratic monarchy. We see
that we have still industrial freedom to gain. We are chafing
under the yoke of the trusts and an insane system of
competition. We are trending toward co-operation, which is
now practiced by the trusts within their own confines for
private profit. We are desirous of a state of society where
“they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig
tree; and none shall make them afraid.”

Thus, all over the world, the old systems of paternal
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