Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

colors of the spectrum, their relation to one another can be
better understood. For instance, if a red ray were to ally
itself with a green ray, inharmony would result. The same
principle applies to spirits. Each must proceed with the
group to which it belongs during manifestation, yet they are
all one. As all the colors are contained in the white light, but
the refractive quality of our atmosphere seems to divide it
into seven colors, so the illusory conditions of concrete
existence cause the virgin spirits to seem grouped and this
apparent grouping will abide while we are in this state.
The Rosicrucian Order was started particularly for those
whose high degree of intellectual development caused them
to repudiate the heart. Intellect imperiously demands a
logical explanation of everything—the world mystery, the
questions of life and death. The reasons for and themodus
operandi of existence were not explained by the priestly
injunction “not to seek to know the mysteries of God.”
To any man or woman who is blest, or otherwise, with
such an inquiring mind it is of paramount importance that
they shall receive all the information they crave, so that
when the head is stilled, the heart may speak. Intellectual
knowledge is but a means to an end, not the end itself.
Therefore, the Rosicrucian purposes first of all to satisfy the
aspirant for knowledge that everything in the universe is
reasonable, thus winning over the rebellious intellect. When
it has ceas ed to criticize and is rea dy t o accept provisionally,
asprobably true, statements which cannot be immediately
verified, then, and not until then, will esoteric training be
effective in developing the higher faculties whereby man
passes from faith to firsthand knowledge. Yet, even then it
will be found that, as the pupil progresses in firsthand
knowledge and becomes able to investigate for himself,

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