Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Several very important food products from animals,
such as milk, cheese and butter, may be used. These are the
results of theprocesses of life and require no tragedies to
convert them into food. Milk, which is an important food for
the occult student, contains no earthy matter of any
consequence and has an influence upon the body possessed
by no other food.
During the Moon Period man was fed upon the milk of
Nature. Universal food was absorbed by him and the use of
milk has a tendency to put him in touch with the Cosmic
forces and enable him to heal others.
It is popularly supposed that sugar or any saccharine
substance is injurious to the general health, and particularly
to the teeth, causing their decay and the resulting toothache.
Only under certain circu mstances is this true. It is harmful in
certain diseases, such as biliousness and dyspepsia, or if held
long in the mouth as candy, but if sparingly used during
good health and the amount gradually increased as the
stomach becomes accustomed to its use, it will be found
very nourishing. The health of negroes becomes greatly
improved during the sugar-cane harvest time,
notwithstanding their increased labor. This is attributed
solely to their fondness for the sweet cane-juice. The same
may be said of horses, cows, and other animals in those
localities, which are all fond of the refus e s yrup fed to them.
They grow fat in harvest time, their coats becoming sleek
and shining. Horses fed on boiled carrots for a few weeks
will get a coat like silk, owing to the saccharine juices of
that vegetable. Sugar is a nutritious and beneficial article of
diet and contains no ash whatever.
Fruits are an ideal diet. They are in fact evolved by the
trees to induce animal a nd man to eat them, so that the seed

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