Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

lime, by which the various parts become ossified, converted
into bone, or kindred matter.
(3) This conversion into bone destroys the flexibility of
the vessels, muscles and other parts of the body subject to
motion. It thickens the blood and entirely chokes up the
minute capillaries, so that the circulation of the fluids and
the action of the system generally diminishes, the
termination of this process being death.
(4) This process of consolidation may be retarded and
life prolonged by carefully avoiding the foods that contain
much ash; by using distilled wat er for int er nal purposes; and
by promoting excretion through the skin by means of
frequent baths.
The foregoing explains why some religions prescribe
frequent ablutions as a religious exercise, because they
promote the health and purify the dense body. Fastings were
also prescribed for the same purpose. They give the stomach
a much needed rest, allow the body to eliminate theeffete
matter, and thus, if not too frequent or too prolonged,
promote the health, but usually as much and more can be
accomplished by giving the body proper foods which are the
best medicines.
Always the first care of the physician is to ascertain if
there is proper excretion, that being Nature's chief means for
ridding the body of the poisons contained in all foods.
In conclusion, let the aspirant choose such food as is
most easily digested, for the more easily the energy in food
is extracted, the longer time will the system have for
recuperation before it becomes necessary to replenish the
supply. Milk should never be drunk as one may drink a glass
of water. Taken in that way, it forms in the stomach a large
cheese ball, quite impervious to the action of the gastric

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