Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

possession of the spleen and making the white blood
corpuscles, which are not “the policemen of the system” as
science now thinks, but destroyers. It uses the blood to carry
these tiny destroyers all over the body. They pass through
the walls of arteries and veins whenever annoyance is felt,
and especially in times of great anger. Then the rush of
forces in the desire body makes the arteries and veins swell
and opens the way for the passage of the white corpuscles
into the tissues of the body, where they form bases for the
earthy matter which kills the body.
Given the same amount and kind of food, the person of
serene and jovial disposition will live longer, enjoy better
health, and be more active than the person who worries, or
loses his temper. The latter will make and distribute through
his body more destructive white corpuscles than the former.
Were a scientist to analyze the bodies of these two men, he
would find that there was considerably less earthy matter in
the body of the kindly disposed man than in that of the
This destruction is constantly going on and it is not
possible to keep all the destroyers out, nor is such the
intention. If the vital body had uninterrupted sway, it would
build and build, using all the energy for that purpose. There
would be no consciousness and thought. It is because the
body checks and hardens the inner parts that consciousness
Ther e was a time in the far, far past when we set out the
concretions, as do the mollusks, leaving the body soft,
flexible and boneless, but at that time we had only the dull,
glimmering consciousness the mollusks now have. Before
we could advance, it became necessary to retain the
concretions and it will be found that the stage of

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